Sun Messe Thailand

Face to Faceを大切に、

We value Face to Face relationships and offer nearby support to customers, even overseas.


ビジネスの基本は、やはりFace to Face。お客さまに近い場所で、お客さまの声に耳を傾け、人と人の縁を大切にして新しいコミュニティーを築き、お客さまの海外事業に貢献できる会社として成長したいと考えています。今後とも何卒格別のご指導ご鞭撻を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。

In order to accommodate developing global markets, and due to the necessity of responding to the demands of business clients that are expanding to Asian business centers, Sun Messe Co., Ltd. established Sun Messe Thailand, our first overseas business center, in the Thai capital of Bangkok on September 19, 2012.

The basis of our business is Face to Face relationships. We want to be located near our customers where we can listen to their input, build new communities through the value we place on interpersonal relationships, and grow as a company that can contribute to the overseas operations of our customers. We ask for your further guidance and encouragement going forward.


Products and services


At Sun Messe Thailand, our core focus is packaging and sales promotion. We provide a complete range of products and services, from packaging planning and design to manufacturing in Thailand through our local printing company affiliates and delivery to other countries, with the intention of providing superior products to ASEAN countries.


Our global network


Sun Messe Co., Ltd., our beloved company, is based in the city of Ogaki, Gifu Prefecture, and is comprised of three manufacturing centers. Using Sun Messe's network, which includes 10 sales centers in Tokyo, Osaka, and other locations all across Japan, we can provide developmental support for customers in Japan and the rest of Asia and offer reliable, prompt services to meet a variety of needs.


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